

The fatality rate of first responders is three to five times greater than the national average. After the San Bernardino shootings, our hearts broke for the victims and their families. We realized there is a huge need for a tool and training to help mitigate these terrible losses. Designed from the ground up for first responders, TIAG’s mResilience training program and companion mobile app provide 24/7 secure, confidential, and reliable access to evidence-based best practices that build resilience and help users proactively manage stress, PTSD, and depression.

Our innovative, effective approach has been recognized by many organizations


A resilient Defense

From our more than 20 years of experience working with the DoD and military communities—including operating the Army’s only usability lab and creating several self-help mobile apps, websites, and web courses for service members—we knew that taking action before, during, and after a traumatic incident can greatly impact general well-being and further mitigate adverse impacts of stress. We also knew that the professionals who specialized in this area couldn’t be fully accessible all of the time. We took our experience and invested 3-years of dedicated and focused first responder resilience research using our human-centered design approach to create mResilience.

In the field, first responders have necessary training and equipment—and resiliency as a standard baseline to survive should be seen no differently. mResilience provides the awareness and skills first responders need in order to understand how stress affects us and breaks down our bodies, friendships, and relationships. With separate law enforcement, firefighter, and EMS versions; departments receive the same core resilience building elements, but in a way that honors the differences in culture between the communities. mResilience is a dynamic tool designed to reduce the effects of trauma and to help first responders develop crucial skills ahead of time so that when tragedy does strike, the aftereffects don’t cut as deep.

Download Our Guides

Learn more about mResilience and our companion training program by downloading the guides below.



With over 20 years’ worth of experience TIAG has developed a leading reputation in researching, designing and developing resilience-based technology products for the military, government and most recently, the first responder communities. We are passionate and committed to those who serve. Our dedicated staff includes program and project managers, psychology and user-centered design experts, researchers, designers and developers. Collectively, we bring a comprehensive approach to advising and creating relevant resilience-based technology services, programs and products.


Request a demo

Ready to check out mResilience for yourself and learn how it can positively impact your department? We are too! Reach out and we’ll get a live demo scheduled.
